True Dark Twilights Sunset Aviator Review (Green and Blue Light Blocking Glasses)
Sep 26, 2020
True Dark Twilights Sunset Aviator Review (Green and Blue Light Blocking Glasses)
The TrueDark Twilights Sunset Aviators are a very cool looking pair of blue and green light blocking glasses that have a unique feature I have not seen on any other pair of blue light blocking glasses.
What is this unique feature?
They have a gradient lens.
Meaning the lens darker at the top and getting lighter in color as you move down towards the bottom. This means that the lens blocks more blue and green light at the top and middle of the lens than it does at the bottom of the lens.
Why on earth would they do this?
Well, some studies show that light coming from above your eyes or hitting your eyes directly straight on is more stimulating and suppresses more melatonin than light coming from below.
So towards the center and top of the lens, the lens blocks about 99% of bluelight and and 93% of the green light. Towards the bottom of the lens it blocks a little less of the green light (about 73%) so you can see better while wearing the glasses.
You can get a discount on True Dark Twilights Sunset Aviators (and whatever else you buy at the site) by using the special code "bluelightdiet" during checkout at this link here:
See the Twilight Sunset Aviators in action here...
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