The Blue Light Diet Blog
In the picture above, you see that after reviewing and completing a meta analysis of breast cancer research papers, the researchers found that....
"We observed a decreased risk of breast cancer for individuals spending ≥1h/day in the sun during summer months over a lifetime or usual adulthood...
Your dermatologist loves to scare you about the sun but I guarantee you that 99.9 out of 100 dermatologists have zero clue about how the sun actually works. And if you have no clue about how something works, what makes you an expert at it?
The chart above is a...
I'm going to make this a quick article because you really should just watch the video I made for you below instead.
The simple fact of the matter is that the switch to indoor living under fake light and temperature controls is probably the number one factor in accelerated disease and cancer...
How does bright daylight protect you from artificial light at night?
I'll tell you in a second but first realize that this also means.....
Dim light during the day makes artificial light do more damage to you at night.
As you discover when you read this paper, when you expose yourself daily...
The CDC says about 48% of Americans, or 120 million people, have high blood pressure.
120 million people with hypertension.
Simple lowering of blood pressure could save thousands of lives each year.
What the eff is going on?
Your doctor and the "experts" may be the problem.
Ask someone you...
First of all, what is considered "high" cholesterol today most likely isn't high and is not a problem for your health and in fact may extend your lifespan but that is a discussion for another time.
If you were expecting a multi-page blog post on why so many people have "high" cholesterol...